Martha R. Ford : Illustration

A collection of works-in-progress, works-finished and 'things' I like.

Month: February, 2011

Possible new character for something? Maybe

Created this lady during work the other day. As you may have seen in previous posts, I do create a lot of this sort of thing but she is my favourite so far. I see her in a darwinian-esque study full of macabre butterfly collections and animal skeletons-might give her a dinosaur as well.

Sketchbook Project

I signed up for the sketchbook tour but ended up deciding I didnt want to part with my sketchbook, how selfish of me:) Here are a couple of drawings from the sketchbook(which is still ongoing)- my chosen theme was ‘Jackets, Blankets, Sheets’ which was a good one as I was drawing most of these during wintertime.

Got a new sketchbook

I wanted a different texture to draw on- thinking I might move on to wood or ceramics soon for a bit of variety. Always really liked the warmth of brown paper and paperchase have all these cheapish brown sketchbooks.

Top left: Picnic themed pattern with ants and all. After I drew this out I realised that it looked a bit generic and paperchasy, poo! Nevermind, it was fun drawing cupcakes and dot trails.

Top right: Watch Human Planet? This is pretty much a doodle directly from that, no creativity involved, I just really loved the image of these men going hunting with a house in tow.

Bottom left: I was in the car and bored(I wasn’t driving).

Bottom right: Grass is always greener on the other side. Trying to use colour in my work a bit more- Im usually on the go when Im drawing so black ink pens or pencils are usually the way I go.

Pen-lots of black ink pen

Wonky faces

Scribbled some shapes then turned them into faces(I had a bit of a block).